We pay attention to detail
We know that the best
translation is an
invisible translation.
The secret is in the care and attention to detail. That is TRIDIOM quality.
With more than 20 years’ experience working with the best professionals and tools, TRIDIOM is one of the leading companies in the translation and interpreting sector.
We offer a wide range
translation services
translation + SEO

Added value
Every client is different
At Tridiom, we use and invest in technology and innovation in order to respond to all the multilingual needs of our clients.
We can provide you with the latest technological innovations and guide and advise you on how to get the most of them without compromising on quality:
Machine translation may be a good option for translating content that could not otherwise be translated, either due to time or budget restraints.
Tridiom can offer you advice and the use of its own internal resources to ensure that the content is understandable and the same quality as the original.
A human translator revises and corrects any mistakes in the machine translation to improve the quality and guarantee that the text reads fluently and can be understood perfectly.
We have the tools needed to quickly transcribe material in a short period of time.
We process as many video as audio files and write scripts so that clients can follow the transcription in time.
This is our translators’ favourite type of work.
It gives them the freedom to be creative based on a concept or idea. It is where we as translators can be creative again and give free rein to our writing skills. The goal is for the translated text to have the same impact as the original.
One step further than translation.
Localisation is fundamental for the original message to remain intact when read by the target audience, despite being in a different language. This is where Tridiom makes the most of innovation and technological development to create added value and guarantee excellent localisation work.
Investing in the future.
Designed especially for companies that have sent large volumes of documents for translation over the years to several suppliers, or even the same supplier, but have noticed that the traceability and terminological consistency of their translations is getting progressively worse.
We can offer a specialist quality auditor to evaluate the texts and create business terminology guides and glossaries so that companies can guarantee the final quality of their texts and save time and money when they next need a translation.
Quality is always the best investment
Request a quote based on your needs

Our clients
Our clients praise the speed, commitment and quality of our work.
We are particularly proud of our clients’ loyalty, some of whom have been working with us since we began and others who have grown enormously and continued to trust in Tridiom.
Thank you to you all!
In our latest client satisfaction survey, Tridiom achieved a score of 99.8%.
How we work …

Request a quote
Remember to attach the documents you need and include the language combination. If it is very urgent, please tell us so that we can adjust our work according to your needs.
Quote sent and received by the client
At this stage, you can freely consider our quote and ask us any questions you might have. Remember that all our translations are carried out by professional translators who are native speakers of each language.
Accept the quote
Let us know if you are happy with the quote and we will send confirmation that we have begun to work on your project.
Organising the project
Translation + Revision + Final check. At this stage, your project manager will assign the work according to the agreement. All our translations are revised twice before being delivered to the client.
Translation delivered as agreed
We can deliver your translation by e-mail, courier, uploading them via FTP, our own Tridiom platform or, client area , etc.
We always like to know what clients think of our work. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or reviews!
There is no standard turnaround time as such. We organise ourselves around the deadline you need and adjust the price accordingly. Evidently, the longer the deadline, the cheaper the translation. For example, a 3500-word translation from English to Spanish can take 2-4 working days, but if a client needs it sooner, we can do that too!
If we receive your request during working hours, between 5 minutes and an hour max. We always reply very quickly to e-mails!
We need you to tell us the deadline for your translation, the language combination and to send us the text (or part of it) in order to evaluate the level of specialisation and length.
A certified translation is necessary for documents that have to be submitted to a public authority. In the case of contracts, a certified translation is needed so that parties who do not understand the language the contract is written in, for example, can sign it with guarantees and know that it is exactly the same as the contract in the original language.
Tridiom Translations assigns each project to the best person available at that time. The translator will always be a native speaker of the language they are translating into. We often do translations in-house because we have native English, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and, of course, Spanish translators. However, when this is not possible, we have great partners who help us to complete projects in line with our quality criteria (translation + 2 revisions).

Official Distributor
Williams AV, Rocware & Obsbot